Women's Bible Study
Twice yearly we have organized bible studies featuring different authors with accompanying videos, study books, and small discussion groups. The group meets on Thursday mornings at 10 am. Cost varies according to each study and supplies.
Women's Circles
Women's circles are small groups of ladies that range in size, vary in age groups and meet at different times and places one a month. Each circle strives to be a place where ladies can come together and do life together.
Each Circle is different and we encourage any woman interested in finding a circle, notes the time and place that contact the church office at hsfumc@windstream.net to get connected with each circle.
Friendship Circle
Meets the first Monday of each month at 12:30 p.m. at the church
New Joy Circle
Meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the church
Men of Faith
Open to all Men, Men of Faith is a very social group that gathers monthly at places round High Springs. If you are interested in join our men for one of their gatherings contact the church office at hsfumc@windstream.net to find out where they are gathering