What We Believe

“Church Clothes”

​Are you dressed “appropriately” for FUMCHS? Are you wearing clothes? Then you’re dressed “appropriately” for FUMCHS! What you wear will NEVER be what makes you fit – or not fit – at FUMCHS. Come as you are, and let the truth, grace and mercy of God change you – from the inside out!

Church Background

Never been to church? Been to church your whole life? Somewhere in between? It doesn’t matter to us what your church background may be. Our hope and prayer is simply that you find a warm welcome, vibrant worship and a desire to return. Pick a seat wherever you’re comfortable (we have no assigned seating) and relax. FUMCHS is a place of worship, rest and renewal. Please make yourself at home!

Want to know more?

First United Methodist Church is a Jesus-focused, family-oriented, mission-centric community that has been loving God and loving our neighbors in High Springs since 1894.

We are a local expression of our global denomination, The United Methodist Church. Here's a bit about what we believe:


United Methodists share basic affirmations in common with all Christian communities. Learn More


Do you know the tenets of Methodism? From prevenient grace to social holiness, read about the foundation of the United Methodist faith. Learn More


Several documents are considered “standards” of doctrine, forming the foundation of what United Methodists believe.


With many other Protestants, we recognize the two sacraments in which Christ himself participated: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Learn More
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